YLE劍橋兒童英檢語言技能加強書(Pre-A1 Starters)Fun Skills Level 1&2
商品分類:劍橋英語-劍橋兒童英語認證 YLE
系列:Fun Skills
作者:Katherine Bilsborough, Jane Boylan, Stephanie Dimond-Bayir, Bridget Kelly, Claire Me
總級數: 6
英語類型: 英式英語
適用程度: Complete Beginner
CEFR: Pre-A1
Level 1 學生課本 ISBN:9781108563697
Level 1 教師手冊 ISBN:9781108563444
Level 2 學生課本 ISBN:9781108677370
Level 2 教師手冊 ISBN:9781108563468
★ 購買提示:學生課本附 Home Booklet (拆封不退),學生課本不含習題解答及課程音檔,自修者及教師建議購買教師手冊。教師手冊附可下載音檔及教學資源。
Fun Skills 依循 YLE 英檢「樂趣學習」核心價值,融入兒童親自打造的角色人物,激發學習動力及想像力,且課程環繞兒童生活常見情境與話題,內容逗趣且貼近兒童心理,陪伴孩子學習語言同時培養 YLE 英檢所需技能。
■ 學生課本兩冊對應一級YLE考試,共六冊。
■ Exam Tasks
■ Exam Tips
■ Think Big
■ Grammar Fun
■ Competencies
■ Home Booklet
為教材課本附贈之額外練習手冊,提供額外英語聽說讀寫加強練習、課程角色故事及角色動畫(QR Code)。
■ 課程音檔下載:https://reurl.cc/En3E7g
YLE 劍橋兒童英檢適用級數:Pre-A1 Starters
學生課本不含習題解答及課程音檔,自修者及教師建議購買教師手冊 Teacher's Book
教師手冊附可下載音檔及教學資源,線上教學資源含:課本聽力音檔、動畫短片、互動式課室軟體 (電子白板)等
教師手冊附線上教學資源下載網址:https://esource.cambridge.org/ (欲取得教學資源下載序號,請洽華泰文化業務及客服人員)
Fun preparation for Pre A1 Starters, A1 Movers and A2 Flyers covers all the skills you need to be ready on exam day.
Meet Sage the Squirrel, Checklist Buddy and friends, created by kids around the world, who guide and entertain you through this exciting journey. Fun preparation for Pre A1 Starters, A1 Movers and A2 Flyers covers all the skills you need to be ready on exam day: practise exam tasks with the Professor, get great tips from Sage the Squirrel, assess your own work with Checklist Buddy and connect learning to your world with Think Big Giraffe. Topic-led lessons bring everything to life with songs, Grammar fun, animations and quirky photos! The Mini Trainers for Pre A1 Starters, A1 Movers and A2 Flyers provide two full-colour practice tests with Training and Exam Practice. The Home Booklet provides extra skills practice to do at home as well as 'Fun boost' activities on every page to share with the family and entertaining short stories featuring each of the characters in the Student's Book.