【Level Up】Student’s Book
系列:Level Up
作者:Caroline Nixon and Michael Tomlinson
適用程度:Beginner to Intermediate
Level 1 ISBN:9781108413930
Level 2 ISBN:9781108413961
Level 3 ISBN:9781108413985
Level 4 ISBN:9781108414005
Level 5 ISBN:9781108414029
Level 6 ISBN:9781108414043
★ 購買提示:Student's Book 學生課本 (不含課本解答,如有需要請購買 Teacher's Book 教師手冊)
Confident in learning. Confidence for life.
Level Up 融入劍橋生活素養架構 (Cambridge Life Competencies Framework),以任務式教學(Task-based Language Teaching) 引導學生在語言學習的道路上養成學習自主,並培養其解決問題的能力 (Problem-solving) 及協同合作能力 (Collaboration),創造充滿自信且「未來就緒」(Future-ready) 的學習者。
■ Mission
單元內容採闖關式學習進程,循序漸進帶領學生運用習得的語言技能完成貼近生活的各種任務 (例如:規劃一趟環遊世界之旅、製作一張瀕危動物宣導海報)。
■ Literature
透過各國經典寓言故事或文學,融入情感教育並增進學生社會責任心 (Social and Emotional Skills)。
結合跨學科及真實生活知識,並搭配影片及學習任務,拓展視野並增進解決問題的能力 (Problem-solving)。
■ Exam
學考自然結合,課綱內容涵蓋YLE劍橋兒童英語認證及劍橋國際英語認證 (A2 Key & B1 Preliminary for Schools) 考試內容,有效幫助師生審視學習成效,以考試促學習。
★ 購買提示:
不含作業本解答,如有需要請購買教師手冊 Teacher's Book
Much more than an English course, Level Up builds all the skills students need to face life, learning and assessment with confidence. Its student-centered approach fosters collaboration while activities based on real-world skills and situations make learning engaging and fun. Join Jenny and Jim on the adventure of a lifetime!
■ Creates a mindset of continuous improvement through a combination of embedded missions and traditional assessment
■ Inspires collaboration and develops social skills through motivational, real-world challenges - projects
■ Creates resilience through learning skills and life competencies embedded in literature lessons
■ Plenty of phonics work, grammar support and revision helps learners take their English to a higher level