▌Talk a Lot是專為成人及青年英語學習者所設計的最新會話教材。
▌口語向來是語言學習的難點,Talk a Lot的設計可幫助學習者在開口前即進入主題,
■ 全套三冊,每冊皆附MP3
■ 說明現實生活中英語口語的特色
■ 提供範例對話情境,幫助學習者理解語言
■ 每個單元皆介紹實用詞彙
■ 簡單明瞭的文法重點及實用例句
■ 聽力練習提供學習者複習關鍵詞和實用詞彙
■ 閱讀和寫作部分有助於增強關鍵技巧
■ 提供有趣的課堂活動讓程度不同的學習者一同參與練習
■ 附真實的照片和鮮明的圖刺激學習
Talk a Lot is a new conversation series for young adult and adult learners of the English language. Understanding that speaking is often the most daunting aspect of acquiring a language, Talk a Lot has been carefully constructed to ease students into each topic before they begin speaking. Topics are fun and stimulating, as well as being engaging and relevant to the learners. Group and pair-work encourages lively student interaction, and ensures that every student is involved.
● Model dialogs help students see language in context
● Useful vocabulary introduced in each unit
● Brief and clear grammar points introduced with useful examples
● Listening exercises present key words and practical phrases
● Reading and writing sections help consolidate key skills
● Fun games and activities engage students of all levels
● Bright and appealing photographs and illustrations stimulate learning